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Professional Discipline

Professionals who devote themselves to the pursuit of excellence in their field live with the daunting prospect of facing complaints and disciplinary proceedings. These processes can take a heavy toll, undermining one’s confidence and sense of self-worth, and potentially derailing careers. In such cases, a good lawyer can be indispensable, serving as a guide, advocate, and guardian of professional integrity.

In New South Wales, a range of occupations are governed by an authority, board, panel, committee or society which protects the public by determining working guidelines in the profession and assessing registration applications. These bodies conduct investigations into complaints against professionals and initiate proceedings against members for unsatisfactory professional conduct including referring cases for disciplinary proceedings. In NSW, the relevant authority will determine if a case is appropriate to refer to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) for disciplinary proceedings.

NCAT hears professional disciplinary matters about health professionals, legal practitioners and other professions including veterinarians, architects, and builders. As well as determining the outcome of disciplinary matters, NCAT will also review decisions made by regulators and professional bodies, consider applications for recovery of a debt and decide disputes about legal costs agreements. Having a matter before NCAT can be one of the most challenging and stressful episodes in a professional’s career.

Of course, it is appropriate and necessary for professionals to be subject to oversight and for the public to be protected from poorly trained, unskilled or unethical practitioners. However, this system of scrutiny can be subject to abuse, both by members of the public and individuals with personal grievances.

Representing Professional Clients

We represent professional clients including doctors and solicitors who are subject to notifications or complaints before tribunals and professional bodies. Our primary function when representing professionals in disciplinary proceedings is to provide expert legal advice and strategic counsel. We analyse the details of the case, scrutinise relevant regulations and codes of conduct, and craft a defence tailored to the unique circumstances of our client. Whether it involves gathering evidence, preparing witness testimonies or navigating complex legal procedures, our expertise ensures that no stone is left unturned in the pursuit of justice. As an experienced advocate for professionals facing disciplinary proceedings, we can help our clients anticipate the process ahead and maintain their equilibrium in extremely challenging circumstances.

For expert legal advice and representation contact [email protected] or call 02 9159 9024.